
Dominik K avatar image
Dominik K asked Ryan Clark commented

Dynamic Capacity in Queue / Rack


I want to implement the following: I have 2 Objects. A box and a ball. The box takes 2m^2 of space while the ball takes 1m^2 of space. Both objects go into the queue (e.g. 2 balls and 2 boxes). I have a queue (or rack) and it offers 10m^2 of space.

How can I implement, that the amount of free space changes according to what is in the queue? Technically speaking, a dynamic changing amount of space?

Thanks in advance.

FlexSim 18.2.3
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
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tannerp answered Ryan Clark commented

@Dominik K,

I created a small example model that uses lists and labels to account for the "available space" in a queue. The idea is that items arrive in Queue1 with a label that represents the volume of the item. In the Process Flow, a token is created at the beginning of the model with the available space in Queue2 and that value is pushed to a list. Then, anytime an item arrives in Queue1, the token tries to pull the item's volume value from the list of total queue volume available.

If it is successful, the item is moved to Queue2. If it is unsuccessful after 10 seconds, the item moves to the failedQ. Hope this helps give you an idea of something you can implement in your own modeling.

example queue space.fsm

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