
David Seo avatar image
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David Seo asked Jordan Johnson commented

high statistics value After warmup time

The statistics value on the dashboard records the high value after warm up time like followed;

It's a bug not fixed?

Or another setting should be needed at any place?


FlexSim 20.1.2
flexsim 20.1.2high statistics value after warmup time
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Jordan Johnson commented

This is a bug with some of the Throughput templates. To fix it, you need to install the chart. This will add two Statistics Collectors to your toolbox. In the second Statistics Collector, there is an event called OnWarmup, which is a timer event. You will need to change the First Time from

  1. Model.warmupDateTime


  1. Model.warmupTime

This bug should be fixed in the next bug fix release.

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