
Nicolas M6 avatar image
Nicolas M6 asked tannerp commented

How to explain that the census graph displays 1-2 when the max content is 1 ?

Hi, the census graph displays 2 on the scale, while the max content is at 1....

Problem appears at : 425.32min.

(well, the results data seems good).


FlexSim 20.1.1
people modulecensus
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered

@Nicolas M6,

I'm not very familiar with People Stats Collectors, but based on what I gathered from the tables, it looks like there's a "FloorSpot" location that's counted in some of the census data. By creating a partition for Salles only, the graph matches what you'd anticipate with a max of 1 and range of 0-1 rather than a max of 2 and a range of 1-2.

Let me know if this works for you.


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