
Andrea B9 avatar image
Andrea B9 asked Joerg Vogel commented

decide by percentage inaccuracy

  1. decide_inaccuracy_problem.fsm
  2. I do the decide by percentage and I have 56 and 44 % for connector 1 and 2 but over 200, 115 go to 1 and 85 to 2. I don't get why not 112 and 88.

Thanks in advance

FlexSim 20.0.0
processflowflexsim 20.0.0decide by percentage
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Joerg Vogel commented

That's just how probability works. You will rarely get the exact percentage you specify, although the more things you put through those connectors the more likely it is to even out.

Here's an example taken from this site that does a good job explaining probablity

Say we flip a coin 100 times. A coin flip has a 50% chance of being heads (H) and 50% chance of being tails (T) as shown on the right with blue bars. However, you'll rarely get that outcome with 100 flips. Here's what I got after clicking the flip 100 times button, 56 of the 100 were Tails.

I clicked the button 4 more times (500 flips) and got this result:

251/500 is much closer

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