
Angelo MN avatar image
Angelo MN asked Joerg Vogel edited

2 product combiner and

Hello, I have the following process and I have not been able to solve how to make it work correctly

1. I have two powdered products that arrive in boxes of 20 kg

2.After they arrive, 13 boxes of product 1 and 20 of product 2 are opened.

3. the content of product 1, (260 kg) is placed in a container and (390 kg) of product 2 are placed in the same container,

4. Mix the products in the mixer for 8 minutes

5. the mixture is placed in boxes of 10 kg

FlexSim 19.2.4
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
1 Like"
Joerg Vogel answered

Perhaps you try Fluid objects.

  • Item to Fluid
  • Fluid to Item
  • Fluid Mixer
  • ...
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