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Hi @steven.chen,
The new storage system allows you to specify one of several default looks for your rack:
Perhaps something like Wire Mesh or Wireframe would give you the desired result of seeing through your racks.
You can also create your own rack visualations from the Toolbox > Storage System > Properties > Visualizations tab. I don't see a way to play with opacity on any of the various parts of the rack that may be drawn. Perhaps it could be done via a texture. I'm not sure there. But an opacity option for components you create in the Visualizations tab would be a great feature to request if you need it.
The rack is no longer a member of the Fixed Resources class, so it doesn't behave like it used to. I'm not sure if you've seen this post, but it explains all of the details regarding the new Warehousing/Rack system.
This was where the rack sat in the tree in 2019:
And this is where it resides now:
There's still a variable for opacity, but it doesn't seem to be effective anymore. My guess is that the warehousing class is not designed to be anything but opaque. @Jordan Johnson can correct me if I'm wrong.
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