
Maria B6 avatar image
Maria B6 asked Ben Wilson commented

How to make the item choose the queu with the shortest waiting time?

My model has a processor connected to 3 queues and each of these queues is connected to another processor. Is it possible to make an item from the first processor to choose the queue with the shortest waiting time?

FlexSim 18.2.3
flexsim 18.2.3decision
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel commented

Hi @Maria B6,

longest queue is not shortest waiting time. In the attached model I add all waiting times of all items of the same queue together. Therefore all Items are pushed to a global list on entry event and pulled on exit of any queue. The shortest time gets evaluated if all queues are filled at least with one item. The source code is in the queue previous to the waiting queues. The code is written to insert more queues.


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Braydn T avatar image
Braydn T answered

@Maria B6

Does this shortest queue option not work?

Also, we cannot see your image.

shortestqueue.png (84.4 KiB)
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