
Raul Vazquez avatar image
Raul Vazquez asked Raul Vazquez commented

Avoid mixing item type in combiner using pull strategy

Hello team,

Im creating a model for one customer where one processor could send items per 2 lines ( with different item type per line) and need to use a combiner at the end of the line , but now im mixing material in the combiner (example combiner 15) and is not allowed. Do you know how i can set the pulling option in processor 15 in order that he can lissen the combiner to dont mix material?


attached an example model per reference



FlexSim 19.2.4
flexsim 19.2.4pull strategy
examplepull.fsm (27.2 KiB)
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Benjamin W2 avatar image Benjamin W2 commented ·

Hi @Raul Vazquez, This is possible, but we need more information about your model. Right now you have procesor 14 sending to any available port, regardless of item type. Since the combiner simply pulls a certain number of flowitems from designated ports, you are bound to get mixed pallets.

So my main question is, how do you want to handle the situation where the combiner pallet is type 1, but the processor just processed a type 2? Do you want to send the type 2 to a queue? Do you want to designate the upstream processor to only accept type 1?

This would also be easier to implement in process flow if you are comfortable with it.

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Raul Vazquez avatar image Raul Vazquez Benjamin W2 commented ·

Hi Benjamin, thanks for the prompt response, I would like to control the pulling from "processor15" if that pull a "type 1" it only is allowed to pull type "1" till the combiner complete the process and if the "processor15" pull "type 2" it is only allowed to pull type "2" till the combiner complete the process.

thanks a lot

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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
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tannerp answered

@Raul Vazquez,

I added some logic to Processor15 that will hopefully accomplish what you need.

The first thing is that I added labels to Processor15 that keep track of the last item's Type, the last input port used, and the count of items that have passed through. When the model starts, Processor15 will pull from any port and then set its Type label to the Type of the item. The count is also incremented. Once the count is incremented to 4 or more, the labels are reset.

Meanwhile, the Pull logic on the processor determines which port to used based on its Type label. So, if it just pulled from port 1, it will keep pulling from port 1 until it has received 4 items. Then, it will pull from the ports based on round robin logic, which uses the LastPortUsed label to decide which port it pulled from last time when it started a new batch.

I don't know how well I explained all that, but take a look and see if you have any questions. If so, feel free to reach out.


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