
Tamara D2 avatar image
Tamara D2 asked Tamara D2 commented


Hello everyone ! I have an urgent question

So , I have to simulate one year. Between days the source must have a standard distribution with mean 42 and deviation 2 ( P.e. MONDAY creates 41 TUESDAY 40 WEDNESDAY 42 ....) but during the day that quantity (p.e. Those 41) must arrive with an exponential distribution. How can I do that?

please can anyone help me ? Thank you sooo much

FlexSim 20.2.0
sourceflexsim 20.2.0source controlexponential distributionstandar
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Tamara D2 commented

You insert a label as the mean parameter of the exponential distribution in the interarrival time function in the source.

  1. exponential(0,current.yourLabel,getstream(current))

You update the label value every 24h set by a normal distribution.

  • You can create a repeated event in an On Message trigger which sets the label value and sends itself a 24h delayed message again. Initially the On Message trigger gets fired by a send message of a On Reset trigger.
  • Or you set the label in an Assign Label activity by a token in process flow which you create every 24h.
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