
Nicholas D2 avatar image
Nicholas D2 asked Ben Wilson commented

Task Logic Tutorial 1.2 Throwing Exceptions

I completed the Task Logic Tools Tutorial 1.2 and it seems to be running just fine, but it is throwing these exceptions at the same times each time I run the simulation:

time: 18.678074 exception: FlexScript exception: Array index out of bounds at MODEL:/StandardLogic/Dispatcher1>variables/passto

time: 19.900983 exception: FlexScript exception: Array index out of bounds at MODEL:/StandardLogic/Dispatcher1>variables/passto

time: 22.534476 exception: FlexScript exception: Array index out of bounds at MODEL:/BasicProcessFlowLogic/Dispatcher2>variables/passto

time: 23.084614 exception: FlexScript exception: Array index out of bounds at MODEL:/BasicProcessFlowLogic/Dispatcher2>variables/passto

It doesn't seem to be a problem with my Process Flow, because the plane with the standard logic is generating the same exceptions.

FlexSim 20.1.2
flexsim 20.1.2task logic tutorial 1.2
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Jeff Nordgren avatar image Jeff Nordgren commented ·


The description is good but to receive a more accurate solution, please post your model or something similar that demonstrates your question. Proprietary models can be posted as a private question for FlexSim U.S. support only.


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Nicholas D2 avatar image Nicholas D2 commented ·
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Ben Wilson avatar image Ben Wilson ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @nicholas.d2, was matthew.gillespie's answer helpful? If so, please click the red "Accept" button on their answer. Or if you still have questions, add a comment and we'll continue the conversation.

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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered

You didn't do anything incorrectly in this tutorial model. There's a bug in the Round Robin if Available pickoption in the Dispatcher's Pass To field. I've updated your model with an older version of that pickoption that doesn't throw errors.


Thanks for pointing this out. We'll get it fixed for a future bug fix release.

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