
Anan Y4 avatar image
Anan Y4 asked Jeff Nordgren commented

Why can't i use global table replace number in Query of pull list ?

Pull list from Rack.fsm

When i use global table replace number in Query Tab, it will error. My objective is value of type must change by value of token.customer Which must lookup value in global table But When use use global table replace number it will error. Help me please.

FlexSim 20.1.1
rackqueryflexsim 20.1.1puller
query-1.png (163.9 KiB)
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel edited

EDIT: My suggestion to use something like that doesn't work.

  1. WHERE Type = Table(“GlobalTable1”)[puller.customer][1]

You have to assign the value of the table cell to another token label. Then you use this label in your condition.

But you still need to parse a token reference as the variable puller in your query:

  1. WHERE Type = puller.tableCell

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