
Ashmita G avatar image
Ashmita G asked Ashmita G commented

Acquire Activity Query for Resources help


The above is a replenishment logic. If the queues next to the conveyor reach their respective Reorder Level a replenishment trigger is submitted. The global table "IT" contains all the necessary data for the same.

I am trying to control the AGV which will address a particular replenishment request for particular Queues. For example, Queue1 and 2 will only be addressed by AGV1. When a token enters the "Reorder" activity in the process flow, it contains a label defined on it as PartNo. The PartNo is the row reference with respect to the Global Table.

In the "Acquire" activity I want to utilize the query segment to filter out the AGV to be used to address a particular type of replenishment logic. The AGVs to be used has been mentioned in the global table. I was wondering how to use the SQL query bar for manipulating he same outcome.

Also I was wondering if we can use lists instead. I got stuck on how to write the query in that case as well. If I am to define a group and use it in the list, how should the query be?

FlexSim 20.1.1
querylistsflexsim 20.1.1sqlacquire resource
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1 Answer

Parker S avatar image
Parker S answered Ashmita G commented

@Ashmita G

I believe this could be done using lists. If you prepopulate a Global List with your AGV's

You can then use a Pull from List to query an AGV using labels

I'm not sure if this is the actual query you would use, but it would be easy to add a label on the AGV's that corresponds with what Part Numbers they pick up.

Then the Acquire would use the pulled token as the query

You would also have to push the AGV back to the list once released.

There might be a way that this could be done using just the acquire query, but this way would make the most sense to me.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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