
Quim J avatar image
Quim J asked Ben Wilson commented

Initial Pallets on conveyor Loop


on a conveyor loop with 4 stations, i need to place some initial pallets at the start (time=0). i found it can be made with sources that creates pallets that go to the conveyor, but i find it not suitable. is there any onther way to place initial pallets on the conveyor? ( for example 2 at the buffer of each station)

Many thanks in advance,

FlexSim 20.2.0
conveyorflexsim 20.2.0pallet
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1 Answer

zacharyh avatar image
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zacharyh answered

@quim.j As Jorg mentioned you can't place items on a conveyor without an EntryTransfer Point. Here is a model with an example that shows me trying to place pallets at a decision point without an EntryTransfer Point. The model also has an example of me placing pallets on the conveyor with an EntryTransfer Point. I would recommend using Process Flow to place items on the conveyor at time 0 but this could also work with multiple sources.

Conveyor EntryTransfer Points.fsm

To create the EntryTransfer Point, make an A connection from a Fixed Resource to the conveyor. You can then right click on the EntryTransfer Point and click on "Remove Connection".

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