
Yogesh H avatar image
Yogesh H asked Jordan Johnson answered

How to do arithmetic operations of two column in statistic collector?

I am trying to find out lead time using statistic collector. In statistic collector, I have created Source exit time column and with reference to model, end items are collected at queue. So, another column is Queue Input Time column.

Now, I want column of Lead Time = Queue Input time - Source exit time.

Please, help me how to proceed to get this value.

I have attached model PracticeLeadTime_autosave.fsm

Thanking You....

FlexSim 20.2.2
statistics collectorflexsim 20.2.2lead time
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered

When the second event happens (the Queue Input time), you can connect that event to the Lead Time column, and you can have code in the Event Value like this:

Table(collector)[data.rowNum][2] - Table(collector)[data.rowNum][1]

You can use the Table API to subtract the columns you want from the current row.

This tutorial covers getting custom lead time statistics. You may be interested in reviewing it also:

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