
Fiona Kattenstroth avatar image
Fiona Kattenstroth asked Fiona Kattenstroth commented

WebServer problem

When I try to execute the WebServer, an error occures. I already changed the port, but unfortunately that wasn't the answer. Hopefully somebody can help.

FlexSim 20.2.0
flexsim 20.2.0flexsim webserver
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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
1 Like"
Ben Wilson answered Fiona Kattenstroth commented

Hi @fiona.k,

The error message does seem to point to an error listening on the given port. I can reproduce your error by trying to start the webserver using a port number that is already in use.

You may want to try on multiple different ports, in case your alternate port was also busy. You'll need to find an available, unused port number.

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