
Pedro A5 avatar image
Pedro A5 asked Ben Wilson commented

Operator use % per period


Im trying to know how busy are my operators, but splitting the analysis by period of 8 hours. Here I share my Statistics collector . The following code is not working:

SELECT Object,


(((TravelEmpty + TravelLoaded + Utilize+ OffsetTravelEmpty+OffsetTravelLoaded)-(LAGTravelEmpty + LAGTravelLoaded + LAGUtilize+ LAGOffsetTravelEmpty+ LAGOffsetTravelLoaded)) ) AS Useful,

idle AS Useless,

FROM StatisticsCollector3


FlexSim 17.1.6
statistics collectorflexsim 17.1.6busy
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
1 Like"
tannerp answered

Hi @Pedro A5,

I recommend that you use a Calculated Table to aggregate the data as you've described. Have you used a Calculated Table before? It uses FlexSQL (based on SQL) to create tables exactly as you've described.

The syntax of the code you've written above would work well with a few tweaks. If you can upload the model you're working with, we'd be happy to help implement this.

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