I want to simulate the order picking of windshields for automotive industry. The containers have to be sequenced by an operator that manually picks the windshield to put them in an end container(black in picture). The sequence can be random for example: AABBCBDA or CDCDBABCD,....(each time a sequence of 30). This Just in sequence must be done 3 times( the 3 black containers in picture). For the bottom black container the operator must take from 4 containers: the bottom blue, purple, turquoise and green. Each container has a capacity of 30 windshields. When one is empty the operator just moves his operation to have acces to the reserve container (the same color container). This is done to lose the less amount of time(the time a transporter has to replace the container). The second black container up left has only 2 references: yellow and red each time with a reserve duplicate. The container up right has also 4 references. When a container with capacity 30 is empty a forklift transporter will replace it with one of the warehouse stock.
Each container has also a probabilty to be sequenced, for example: blue=31%, purple=31%, turquoise=19% and green=19%.
When the operator has finished his sequenced container he has to put it also in a dropping area where he will take his next empty container.
Can somebody help me with this model, I have not a lot of experience with Flexsim.
Thanks a lot