
Perla Guadalupe SM avatar image
Perla Guadalupe SM asked Kevin S7 sent

how create boxes in pallets in PF?


I want to programm thé warehouseman to unload the pallets of truck, separate the merchandise according to type in the racks floor and then move to racks, in Process Flow.

I tried to create the pallets on the truck, I only made one of each type. To unload the truck, it does not accept me to unload directly to the floor racks, I put the queue as support to verify that the operator unloads the merchandise.


FlexSim 20.2.1
processflowtokensflexsim 20.2.1pallets
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
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Jeanette F answered Kevin S7 sent

Hello @Perla Guadalupe SM,

I don't have your model, but I created a small model and process flow that creates a pallet in the queue first and then creates the products in the pallet.

I create an token that represents an order. That token then creates a pallet and saves a label to reference it token.pallet. Then when the token passes through the activities to create the products, the activity uses token.pallet as the location to place the products.

Here is my model.


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