
Felipe G avatar image
Felipe G asked Felipe G edited

How do I pause a source from creating items during an specific time?

I've got a simulation that runs by 4 hours and later another 4 hours. There's a processor's breakdown for 1 hour. I need the source stops sending elements, just for 1 hour, to the queue because the processor cannot do its work, I want my system to resume after the breakdown for another 4 hours and not reset it. The source works with an inter-arrival time according to a normal distribution with mean 3.4 min and sd 0.5 min. Could someone help me, please?

FlexSim 20.0.8
queuesourcebreakdownsource scheduleflexsim 20.0.8
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

It is a task for a timetable. You find it in the toolbox.

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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered Felipe G edited

A breakdown usually means its unplanned and therefore random. Is this the case or is it more a scheduled downtime for planned maintenance or similar? As @Jörg Vogel suggests you can use a timetable for shift patterns and scheduled downtime.

If you want to add an unplanned stop/breakdown then it's the (challengingly named) MTBF/MTTR in the toolbox:

Attached is a model where the processor stops the source during a breakdown if its label "stopsource" is set to 1 (or higher), and not if it's set to zero. This could be done directly from the processor's triggers (bad), or via a message to the source (better) but I've chosen to call/execute labels on the source "stop" and "resume" (maybe even better).


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Felipe G avatar image Felipe G commented ·

Thanks, @jason.lightfoot. It's good idea, but I think it doesn't work in my model, because I'm using Item List to assign elements, so the queue isn't connected to the processor. I'm simulate a restaurant where people arrive and wait to be attended, but those whose wait more than 5 minutes in queue leave the system. I tried with your example but it didn't work, just one element (person) is processed.

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ Felipe G commented ·

That sounds more like pulling from a list of available tables with a timeout of 5 minutes.

So is it the source of people arriving at the restaurant that you want to control here. That source could just check if an object was stopped or not a simple decision after it that send to a sink - or you could schedule your arrivals to occur during the opening hours which sounds more logical.

If you're able to share your model here or in a private post then we could better discuss its specfics.

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Felipe G avatar image Felipe G Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·

Here is my model. Thanks.

item list model.fsm

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