
Glenys C avatar image
Glenys C asked Jon Abbott commented

Replace FlexSim rack with custom rack

Hello! I am currently trying to import a custom drawn rack into FlexSim. I would like for this rack to function the same way as the racks in FlexSim do as ultimately I hope that the ASRS in FlexSim would be able to load and unload items onto this custom rack. Alternations to the dimensions can be made, but I do hope that it retains its shape. The image that I have attached below is what I have in mind: the ASRS will load and unload from the custom rack, the flow items are placed into the slots of the rack.

I have attached a step file of my 3D drawing for better reference. Thank you!

FlexSim 20.2.1
rackasrsflexsim 20.2.1custom
screenshot-842.png (387.7 KiB) (108.8 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jon Abbott commented

In the attached model I've added the shape to the drawsurrogate of the rack.

Because there's no undo on the rack dimension editor (and I keep losing the selection while editing) I've created the GlobalTable1 containing the rack dimensions, and apply that using this script:

  1. configureRackFromTable(Model.find("Rack1"),reftable("GlobalTable1"));

The result looks like this with the rack shown - for alignment. Once aligned you can choose Wireframe as the rack visualization.

Clicking on the shape will give you all the normal rack properties due to it being a drawsurrogate object.


1607003939615.png (155.2 KiB)
rackshape.fsm (143.0 KiB)
· 1
5 |100000

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