
Amit Kulkarni avatar image
Amit Kulkarni asked Amit Kulkarni commented

Paint Slot Label and QUERY

In attached model, slots are painted with label Type of values 3 and 4. The pallet from combiner is assigned a Type 3 in the process flow and should be stored in slots painted with that label. Can someone please help me correct the query in find a storage slot activity, and also help me understand what I did wrong?


FlexSim 20.2.3
flexsim 20.2.3querypainted slotsfind a slot
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1 Answer

Gokulakrishnan Kandasamy avatar image
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Gokulakrishnan Kandasamy answered Amit Kulkarni commented

@Amit Kulkarni If you are using labels to assign slot you must assign slot and slot values before that. Using the Slot label option in the storage system property window. Otherwise, you can't query the slot using the label.

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Amit Kulkarni avatar image Amit Kulkarni commented ·

That is what I was missing! Updated model attached as reference for others.Paint_slot_query_update.fsm

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦ Amit Kulkarni commented ·

You still need to add Type=$1.Type in the query in order to get the correct slots. The model as-is assigns type 4 parts to slots labelled type 3.

In for the original Type= $1.Type to work though, you need to swap the AssignType activity with InventoryPallet Type as you're setting the token type to 10 otherwise for which there are no slots.

Some links to help with findSlot and indexed slot labelling. In a findSlot query you can use slot.Type or just Type but the latter will often be faster than using slot.Type in large systems.

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Amit Kulkarni avatar image Amit Kulkarni Jason Lightfoot ♦ commented ·

Thank you for the explanation. I will update the model accordingly.

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