
Pinakin K avatar image
Pinakin K asked Pinakin K commented

How to trigger an event when a flow item's capacity is changed?

I have a container flow item, and it has other flow items in it. i wand to trigger an event when the container flow item's contents reach a certain number.

FlexSim 20.2.3
flexsim 20.2.3event trigger
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Pinakin K avatar image
Pinakin K answered

@Cliff King yup i thought so. So i pushed all contents to a Q and then used it to trigger. its a work around, but works.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered Pinakin K commented

I would try to put the container items on a global list. And a dynamic field checks the content. Maybe you can check the total value of all items on the List to get an event which checks your Limit which can be another label value on the list.

Another approach tests your limit in the packaging method of your container item. The event is then a message that you send.

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Cliff King avatar image
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Cliff King answered

It would be challenging to reference the container flow item's in a model because I'm assuming they are dynamically created and destroyed during simulation run time. However, you could use the Event-Triggered Source to listen to the On Entry, On Exit or some other opportune event and then check the content of the container at that time to make a decision in your process flow.

If you don't want to use process flow to define your logic, then you can consider using the OnEntering and/or OnExiting trigger fields on the flow items in your model (via the FlowItem Bin) to query the content of the container's they get moved into during the course of the simulation.

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