
David Chan avatar image
David Chan asked David Chan commented

Question on Drive in Racking

Hi I have some questions on the drive in or thru rack object in the FlexSim warehouse module.

1. Increase the number of vertical beam in the y direction with a certain width? Currently when the sy of the rack is increase, the number of vertical beam will increase accordingly with a certain width. Is there a way for user to fix it?

2. How to fix the number of pallets in the y-direction? Is there any possibility by increasing the slot padding to keep a distance between the pallets so that a certain number of pallet on one level in a single bay can be controlled?

3. How to placing the pallets from top down instead bottom up? By default, the pallets are placed bottom up, but this is not the default item placement sequence for drive-in or thru rack. Once the bottom is filled, the forklift cannot go in anymore. Can the Start level with Z- be used for such arrangement? Or is there any way?

Thanks for looking these questions.



FlexSim 21.0.0
flexsim 21.0.0item placementdimensiondrive-in or thru rack
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered David Chan commented

2. “the stacking order is inherent in the nature of the rack type” from Manual Storage Object. This nature defines the number of slot items. You will notice that this limits the number of items per slot.

3. The nature of drive in rack changes the slot assignment already. But if you need to control this on your own there are examples to find slots descending from top to bottom or from back to front. Here my favorite for keywords for the search tool “rack“, “level”

how to stack sequence...

can I query slots...

it took me about 30 minutes to look for these two answers. And the answer is: you use an ORDER BY clause.

1. The design of a rack is driven by number of slots, levels and bays - in this order. It is not anymore a classic 3D fixed resource with sizing cones, where you increase a dimension and the sub nodes resizes relatively. It “is inherent in the nature of the rack” in Warehousing.

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