
Ryan Y3 avatar image
Ryan Y3 asked Cliff King rolled back

nurse travels to wrong level,patient travels to wrong floor

Hi there,

I have a patient, nurse, and gurney at all level 3 and I want to have the nurse transport the patient to a room in level 2 via elevator. But instead of transporting the patient from the same level, the nurse first takes the elevator to level 2, and "pick up" the patient at level 2 same location below the patient. Can you advise me on how to solve this? Thanks,

FlexSim 20.2.0
flexsim 20.2.0
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Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Ryan Y3 commented

The nurse is going to the 2nd floor because the software thinks the patient is on the 2nd floor based off his Z position. This is because the patient's Z position is in between the height of the 2nd floor and 3rd floor. Now that is because the bed object is a little shorter than the other objects patients lie down on (exam tables, mris, etc.) and so we position the patient a little lower so the visuals look better. In the end (and this is kind of a bug) the patient's bounding box ends up slightly below the bed's z position and in this case when the bed is on the floor of the 3rd floor the patient's z height is just under the floor of the 3rd floor.

As an easy workaround, I raised all the bed objects up into the air a few inches so the patient stays on the 3rd floor even when laying in the shorter bed.


Sorry for the inconvenience. I'll send this issue to so this gets added to the dev list.

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Cliff King avatar image
Cliff King answered Cliff King rolled back

@Ryan Y3, I poked around in your model for about an hour trying to fix it, but ran out of time. I suspect the problem has to do with the fact that many of your locations AND dividers are not at the exact Z location they should be. It can be a real challenge to go back later and clean up a multi-level model that wasn't laid out precisely originally.

One helpful tip to follow when building a multi floor model is to always make sure the Grid Z of your 3D model view is set to the level of the floor BEFORE you create the A* grid or any of the objects you want to place on that floor. This will ensure all objects are created at exactly the right z location and it makes it much easier on you to navigate the view around the floor of interest.

I also noticed you have two A* grids at the 240 level, so you will need to delete one of them. It also looks like you have some extra staff members not being used scattered around the outside of the facility boundaries.

Another tip is to not make your A* grids are not any bigger than they need to be OR that your node spacing is defined any smaller than is absolutely necessary. The amount of overhead associated with each grid point is significant.

Hopefully after you clean up all the zloc problems of locations AND divider barriers, you will resolve your problem.

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