
jaehwans avatar image
jaehwans asked jaehwans commented

How to stock boxes inside custom tote? and Astar 'members' question

In the model, I created a tote and want to fit 24 boxes inside the tote. When I do, the boxes overlap with the floor and wall of the tote. Is there a way to fill the boxes without overlapping with the tote?

Also, with Astar, when I double click the Astar icon after I dragged the icon to the model the properties window pops up. In the 'Setup' Tab under the 'Members' heading, what is the difference between Traveler and FR members? Is there a link to a page with any explanation?

Pallet Stocking Question_210127.fsm

FlexSim 21.0.2
astarflexsim 21.0.2totestock
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1 Answer

David Seo avatar image
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David Seo answered jaehwans commented


You can solve your issue of stacking the box24s inside the custom tote using 'Edit Packing Methods' button clicked. You find the 'simple' option of your DT tote ver1 like capture screen.

You can edit the x,y,z offset field value and stock the items inside the tote wall.

If you have any questions about it, send it to me via

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jaehwans avatar image jaehwans commented ·

Thank you very much, it solved the problem with the stocking.

Is there a page with the Astar 'members' information page?

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David Seo avatar image David Seo jaehwans commented ·


Double Clicking 'A*' object and it open the A* Navigator Property window.

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jaehwans avatar image jaehwans David Seo commented ·

Sorry, I was not clear with my question. What is the difference between 'Traveler Members' and 'FR Members' in the A* property window?

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