
Tee Hiett avatar image
Tee Hiett asked Tee Hiett edited

How use a Global Table in a query to pull from a list?


@Matthew Gillespie

In adapting this attached COVID-10 vaccination model to an unusual location, I've had to adjust the Observation Lanes. I have built a global table ObsLanesCapacity with the capacity for each lane. I cannot figure out how to use this table in the query to Pull from Observation Lanes in the Wait for Observation content box. My latest attempt is WHERE Lane == Puller.LaneNum AND queueSize < Table("ObsLanesCapacity") [1][Puller.LaneNum]."

Thanks for your help

FlexSim 21.0.1
global tablehealthcarelistsflexsim 21.0.1
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1 Answer

Parker S avatar image
Parker S answered Tee Hiett edited

I believe an easier solution would be to store the Observation Lane capacity as a label on the Lanes themselves and include that label on your "ObservationLanes" list. Then your query would be this:

WHERE ObservationLanes = puller.LaneNum AND queueSize < Capacity


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