
Roeland S avatar image
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Roeland S asked Roeland S edited

AGV offset when trailer can be picked up from both sides


In my simulation, a trailer can be attached to an agv from both sides as indicated by the blue arrows on the image below. The trailer is allocated to a red control point (i shifted the trailer slightly in this image to make the control point visible).
What is the proper way to set the AGV offset such that the agv can travel to both edges of the trailer depending on which side of the path it arrives?

Thanks in advance!

FlexSim 21.0.2
flexsim 21.0.2agv offset
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Roeland S avatar image
Roeland S answered Roeland S edited

Hi @Jörg Vogel, @Patrick Zweekhorst,

I've found a working solution although I really don't like it. It involves giving a dummy AGV the travel task and then distract what directional sign the last travel path will be. This sign then yields an either positive or negative bodyoffset. I've attached the model in case you're interested.

I'll mark this question as solved. Nevertheless, I still hope that someone will post a better and more elegant solution because the problems seems very basic to me...



toyproblem.fsm (45.4 KiB)
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Roeland S commented

That is not your problem. The trailer is attached by the side the AGV arrives. All is managed by the method coupleTrain. Please read the description of the link to the reference in manual. You need only bring the AGV to one side near to the object you want to attach and then call the method.

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Roeland S avatar image Roeland S commented ·

@Jörg Vogel, thank you for your respons.

I'm aware of the coupleTrain method and I'm actually using it a lot in my model. The main problem is what you describe in your last sentence: I need to bring the AGV to the correct side of the trailer before calling the coupleTrain method.
At this moment, most of my trailers are attached from the same side. Hence, i've set a bodyOffset value to travel to edge of the trailer (note that I also have a path offset to account for any trailer already attached to the AGV). This static positivbodyOffsete value implies that if the trailer needs to be attached from the other side, the AGV travels through the trailer and attaches the trailer on the same side.

Briefly, my problem would be solved if the bodyOffset sign sould depend on the travel direction of the AGV. I read something about switching the bidirectional path direction but that didn't work. What is the proper way to solve my issue?



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Patrick Zweekhorst avatar image Patrick Zweekhorst Roeland S commented ·

@Roeland S,

Have you looked at the option of using the constant TrainLeadingEdge. This should be the first point of the train reaching the control point. So if the train is traveling forward (to the final control point) this is the head of the train, but if the train is traveling backwards it will be the tail of the train.

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Roeland S avatar image Roeland S Patrick Zweekhorst commented ·

@Patrick Zweekhorst Isn't that a static readonly variable or can I set it to be half of the trailers length?

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