
Serge A avatar image
Serge A asked Jason Lightfoot answered

Inconsistent naming of the instances in Zone>stats/instances

I noticed some strange naming of the instance references in the Zone tree structure.

How to reproduce:

  1. FlexSim 21.0.2,
  2. Create a BasicFR, attach it to an Object PF, with an activity EnterZone and a local Zone
  3. Copy-paste this object
  4. Run this model
  5. Explore attribute tree of the Zone

What is observed:

nodes of both instances have the same name, even if they refer different objects. See the highlighted text:

This issue doesn't seem to affect how models work, but it may be a trap if someone decides that names of the subnodes of >stats/instances are meaningful.

`gettokens` command works as expected:

  1. gettokens(Model.find("BasicFR4"), node("MODEL:/Tools/ProcessFlow/Object/Zone"))
  2. // -> [/Tools/ProcessFlow/Object>stats/instances/BasicFR4/tokens/1]
FlexSim 21.0.2
bugflexsim 21.0.2zones
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered

I'll post to dev for review - as you say it's just a name - and probably nothing uses it since the pointer value is correct and where there's an option you should always compare pointer values.

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