
Ioanna C avatar image
Ioanna C asked Jason Lightfoot commented

How to calculate time for different number of items per orderlines?

Hello, this is my model model-test11.fsm

I want to know, how Flexsim calculate the picking time of items collection. For example, i have code 117298 with quantity of 2 items for collection and picking time for these two items=61.02

in the other hand, i have code 134263 with quantity of 1 item for collection and picking time for one item=30.51

(To mention that picking time of collection include times such as set-up,scan position of type code etc.)

Can flexsim read these times and depending on number of items that operator has to collect per orderline, callculate the picking time in GlobalTable (Report) ? In first order, appear correctly the duration of picking but from there and down, wrong. Is there any setting or should i add something to ProcessFlow?

Thank you in advance!

FlexSim 19.2.4
flexsim 19.2.4calculate timespickingtimedurationofpicking
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot commented

You've unchecked this delay's "Wait until complete" so the token passes through and writes to the table before the delay finishes.

I've changed that and added more times to the report so you can see how the time is split

You'll see that order 2 has no travel time. Watching the model you can see the operator just stands at Orders_Queue1 since the route you specify doesn't allow travel for the second order since you have a mandatory path that finishes at OrdersQueue1. I've added that 'fix' to your model - but again, your travel times are now unrealistic since you're no longer using the S-Path logic we provided.


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