
Hai L2 avatar image
Hai L2 asked Joerg Vogel commented

Trigger an Event-Triggered source in FlexScript?


I have an Event-Triggered Source that is used to pull jobs from a list and process it. It is triggered on items being added to the list. I would also like to trigger when processors are done with their previous job (being available), but also for many other conditions.

Is there a way in FlexScript to manually trigger the Trigger-Source?



FlexSim 20.2.1
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel commented

You do this by using another event trigger called OnMessage. Each of your discrete events like change of a list value, process finish or something else send a message to one object. This object does what you want in the On Message trigger. If you need different action, then you change the message parameter values one, two or three and evaluate the value in the OnMessage trigger to do a different response.

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