
Craig DIckson avatar image
Craig DIckson asked Craig DIckson commented

Rotate TE without rotating item on board (like Kiva)

I am modeling a Kiva-like system, using task executers in an A* grid, and no diagonal travel. From an analysis perspective it works fine, but from an animation standpoint it's wrong because the cart being carried should not rotate when the TE does. Is there a setting for that? If not how would you approach this?

FlexSim 20.2.3
flexsim 20.2.3task executera starkiva
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
1 Like"
Phil BoBo answered Craig DIckson commented

In the On Pre Draw trigger of your task executer, you could just set the z rotation of the item to the negative of the task executer's z rotation:

  1. Object item = current.first;
  2. if (item) {
  3.     item.rotation.z = -current.rotation.z;
  4. }


unrotate-item.gif (236.1 KiB)
unrotate-item.fsm (26.9 KiB)
· 1
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