
Hichem avatar image
Hichem asked Hichem commented

Routing using labels

Hi, I have a labeling problem in flexsim 2019 because of the unavailability of the matching label types functionality, thus I haven't been able to route the flow items in the loop (processor 2 --> queue 1 --> processor 3 --> processor 2 --> processor).

If there's another labeling technique i could apply to create this loop, i would much appreciate the help.

Thank you in advance.

FlexSim 19.0.0
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Hichem commented

You need a trigger of the properties in the source to create a Label by Set Label. Whenever you access this label, please make sure that the label name matches always. In Flow tabs you set the property in Send to Port "By Expression". In 3rd processor you change on Exit Trigger the label value to 2. Then the item is exiting the 2nd Processor from 2nd output port. You reset the label on 2nd processor On Exit Trigger back to 1.

Please draw the connection from an output object to an input Object.

label-routing.gif (163.5 KiB)
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Hichem avatar image Hichem commented ·

Thank you for your answer, however, I haven't been able to follow the modifications in the properties some follow-up would be great thank you.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel Hichem commented ·

@Hi C, sure, what do you want to know? Can you upload your model with the connections I have in my animation and some of the triggers I mentioned above?

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Hichem avatar image Hichem Joerg Vogel commented ·

I apologize for the late reply, I have actually found the solution by using another routing technique which is by item type

Thank you again.

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