
Caraiman C avatar image
Caraiman C asked Eric M commented

Buna ziua! Aș dori să simulez lanțul logistic dintr-un atelier de producție.


Am 20 de mașini unelte, 3 piese de prelucrat și 3 operatori care să realizeze transportul din fiecare depozit la anumite mașini unelte. De exemplu, pentru piesa P1, un operator ar trebui să aducă o piesă din Queue1 la PP_1, unde să aștepte efectuarea prelucrării (44 ore), apoi să o ducă la VP_1, unde să aștepte efectua prelucrării .... și tot așa, iar între timp operatorul al doilea să desfășoare activități pentru piesa P2, iar al treilea operator pentru piesa P3. Nu mă descurc să fac această propunere pentru că nu sunt experimentate în folosirea softului. Mă poate ajuta cineva?

FlexSim 19.0.0
flexsim 19.0.0lant logisticproductie
6-autosave.fsm (197.5 KiB)
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Krystian K avatar image
Krystian K answered

Dear Caraiman C,

Can we communicate in English? Please, email me at [email protected]

5 |100000

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Patryk avatar image
Patryk answered Eric M commented

You can do this in two ways


Connect processors (connection „A”) and queues according to the technological process then at source on Trigger "on creation" set label "Type" as you did or you can do it on one source by change edit table.

Then Trigger "on creation" you can change color by case

To chose where the product should go(which machine) you can use in Output "Port by case"

It is important to know which port represents which machine or operator. You can check it in „Ports”

Output ports are ports where you can send the product, Central Porst are port with the operator or other task executers as a transporter.

Then you should connect operators with procesors.

On each machines and queue you should set Sent port by case if you have more then 1 output port

To chose which operator should load/unload the product or process. You can use „Center port by case „ in use transport and the same way in processing if you want to operator processing this product.

Second way you can use process flow. It is a faster way but more difficult.

In process flow the sequence of operations on the machines is read from the table("P1_process","P2_process","P3_process") according to the order of the rows

In attachment, I sent a model


This model I did on the latest flexsim version 21.1.

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model-1.fsm (88.4 KiB)
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Caraiman C avatar image Caraiman C commented ·
Thank you very much for your help! If I wanted to set different processing times for each processor depending on the part received, how could I do this? an operator from one place to another to last a certain time?
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Eric M avatar image Eric M Caraiman C commented ·

Hi @Caraiman C, you can set the processor time depending on the part received in a few different ways, but one of the easiest is like what Patryk did for port by case. Under the processor properties, you can select "Values By Case" for process time. Then you can choose which value to look at (in this case the Type of the item), and set a different time for each. You could also do it with global tables which would be similar to something like this tutorial which would be helpful if you had many different item types with many different processing times.

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