
Aidan W avatar image
Aidan W asked Aidan W edited

Queue Input Pull Strategy based on exception


My situation is as follows: I have 5 different sources that are connected to 5 different queues. The sources have a load of different arrival times and objects, most with different label assignments that occur at the source. There is also a 6th queue that is linked to all 5 sources that is meant to serve the purpose of pulling away any object with one specific label.

I originally tried utilizing an input pull strategy on the 6th queue to simply call for any label equal to the one I'm looking for so that it would filter them out while all other objects go to their respective queues as intended. This didn't end up working out as technically the other queues are pulling all objects still so the outlier label gets put into the normal queues as well instead of the filtered-out queue.

Is there an easy way I can set up the other 5 queues to pull labels other than the one I want to filter out without having to put every label into an array of pull strategy? There's too many to justify that approach so I was wondering if a "pull all except this" exists. Alternatively, is there a way I can give the filter-out queue a priority based on the pull strategy so the filtered objects go there first instead?

FlexSim 21.1.3
pull strategyqueuesflexsim 21.1.3sources
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Aidan W edited

That is quite easy. The queue pulling must be connected at each first output of the releasing objects.

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