
Ryosuke S avatar image
Ryosuke S asked Ryosuke S commented

With OnSlotEntry, how can I get the Slot type defined in PaintSlotLabel

With OnSlotEntry, on the slot where the item is placed, how can I get the Slot type defined in PaintSlotLabel?



FlexSim 21.0.6
processflowslotpaint slot labels
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Ryosuke S commented

You already have the correct Syntax in your model.

  1. slot.Type (or "token.slot.Type" in your case)

will return the value of the Type label on the slot. You just used "type" which refers to the data type instead of the label "Type".

Your second version of finding the value in the tree would also work. If you already have a reference to the slot you can shorten it to

  1. slot.find("/slotLabels/Type).value
· 1
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