
Ryosuke S avatar image
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Ryosuke S asked Ryosuke S commented

Flowitem on the agv disappears unexpectedly

I have set controlpoint at every corner, and I have set the agv to stop at those point by setting waypoints 'wait for defined delay time'. When agv convey flowitem from queue1 to queue2, when agv arrive at the cp marked '1', the flowitem disappear. But then when agv arrive at cp marked '2' the flowitem appear again. What is causing this?


FlexSim 21.0.6
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1 Answer

Eric M avatar image
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Eric M answered Ryosuke S commented

Hi @Ryosuke S Joerg is correct in that the token is continuing through the task sequence when the AGV is interrupted by the waypoint logic. Here's some info from the manual: "going forward we advise you to use process flow instead of Way Points for AGV control."

I added some process flow to your logic that will create a token when the AGV pre-arrives at the group I created called "Waypoints." The key here is creating a new task sequence with a higher priority than the original. Changing the preemption to "preempt only" will make it so the AGV will preempt its original task to delay, and then continue where it left off in the original task.


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