
Eric K3 avatar image
Eric K3 asked Eric M answered

Combine two tokens (one of each) into one output token in process flow


I am trying to combine two tokens (one of each label type) into one output token with a label denoting the combined assembly. Practically, I am creating a subassembly with two individual components and would like to track them through the rest of the assembly process. Is there a way to "batch" them with a recipe: 1 busbar and 1 u collar (see pic below)?




FlexSim 21.1.2
processflowcombinerflexsim 21.1.2
combine.png (35.2 KiB)
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1 Answer

Eric M avatar image
Eric M answered

Hi @Eric K3, I don't think there's a way to make a "recipe" like you're saying although that would be cool. There are a couple other options to do this. If you don't care about the existing labels on the tokens, you could just use a Join activity to simply get one token from each. If you do want to keep the labels, there was a recent post that used a synchronize activity before the batch that's an option (see here). Maybe a better way to conserve labels would be to push each subassembly to a list (either 2 separate lists or 2 partitions on the same list) and then use two Pull activities one after the other to pull one from each list. Let me know if one of these options works for you or if you have more questions.

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