
J avatar image
J asked J commented


Hi, below is my question.

I'm expecting that the behavior of AGVs will perform like without AGVs.

In the model, the red plane will produce products to send to the purple and blue planes. And it will send 30 products at one time.

It works successfully if I didn't check use transport. Like the first GIF. When I check use transport, it won't perform as I wished. Like second GIF.

So, I want to see if there is some way to solve this problem.

Thanks very much and sorry for my poor English.




FlexSim 20.0.10
flexsim 20.0.10agv unload problem
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered J commented

I'm not sure why this happens, but it seems like a timing issue were an output-port becomes unvailable for a small amount of (computation) time, causing the next item in the batch to be send to the other queue.

To circumvent this, I put a tiny delay (model time) between the evaluations of "Send To Port", to make sure both ports are considered. To do this I made the following changes to the model.

In the process flow of Station1/Queue1, I release all 30 tokens of the batch. They then, one at a time, enter a zone where they first open the output of the queue and then wait for 0.1ms.

1630319263645.pngIn the "Push to List" code of Station1/Queue1 I added the line


right before the end. This closes the output after each individual item, to force a pause, equal to the delay in the process flow, between the items.

The items are now distributed as before, when using the AGV.


In the future you might want to consider using process flow to completely control the flow of items in cases like this, instead of relying on the 3D-model logic.

1630319263645.png (11.3 KiB)
community-fm.fsm (131.9 KiB)
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J avatar image J commented ·

Thanks very much. It works like how I think.

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