
Fernando SNA avatar image
Fernando SNA asked Fernando SNA answered

Recurring error in Travel, Load, Unload operations from ProcessFlow

I have a recurring problem in my model with the following message:


The error "Exception caught in TreeNode::callMemberFunction() c++/dll execution. Throwing... /callbackNode" appears blocking the model usually when the token executes a Travel and Unload operation, to simulate the transport and unloading (flowitem) from a processor A to B by using a portico (The following picture shows an example of the set of instructions in ProcessFlow)


The most disturbing thing about this error is that it occurs in different operations of this set of instructions, distributed throughout the flow: For each simulation the error can occur at different points (Travel, Unloads, Releases operations) of the flow.

Please, Is there anyone who has come up with that mistake on another occasion? Why is it and how can I solve it?

PD: Sorry for not being able to upload the model, but in addition to being a confidential document, the file weighs too much.

FlexSim 20.0.10
flexsim 20.0.10processflow errorcallbacknode error
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1631167326528.jpeg (88.0 KiB)
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1 Answer

Fernando SNA avatar image
Fernando SNA answered

Writing of the error in the first picture (it has not the enough size and resolution):

time: 2568.747077 exception: Exception caught in start() of activity "Release Processor" in "ProcessFlow". Continuing throw...

time: 2568.747077 exception: Exception caught in TreeNode::callMemberFunction() c++/dll execution. Throwing... MODEL:/Tools/ProcessFlow/ProcessFlow/Unload~10>variables/callbackNode c: /Tools/ProcessFlow/ProcessFlow/Unload~10>variables/callbackNode i: /Tools/ProcessFlow/ProcessFlow/Unload~10>variables/callbackNode thisClass: /Tools/ProcessFlow/ProcessFlow/Unload~10>variables/callbackNode

time: 2568.747077 exception: Exception caught in evaluation of /Tools/ProcessFlow/ProcessFlow/Unload~10>variables/callbackNode

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