I'm using crane TaskExecutor and replace some components to pretend it's overhead AGV.
I do this because I need the functionality of the hook of crane task executer. I have tried many ways(use Networknode, use AGV network and simply use S to connect TaskExecuter and loading requirement), and found that if using AGV network, the crane hook will not lift up and down at all, it loads item directly.
The reason I don't like the other 2 methods is because I have curve path(the rail is a loop), use "S" method is unable to control OHAGV is traveling on the route as I want.
For Network node method, I know the path between 2 network nodes can be set as curve, but this method still can not satisfy the hook lifting up an down requirement.
Could anyone give me any suggestion on how to have an overhead AGV traveling from A to B, when it stops at A/B station, let the crane lift up and down at the same time. Thank you.