
Akanksha R2 avatar image
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Akanksha R2 asked Ryan Clark commented

How to feed the given costs so as to get the Net Revenue?


This table gives the cost parameters in three parts, namely:

1. Revenue per patient (For registration, FieldXray Machine, PyMachine)

2. Monthly Salary (For FieldXray Machine & PyMachine operator, Optometriest, Consultants)

3. Investment in FieldXray Machine & PyMachine yearly

These costs are given with respect to different parameters like- per patient, monthly, yearly (check the underlined part in above three parts).

So the doubt lies as to how to feed these costs in my model? Also what is the unit of the fixed cost in Cost section, is it $ per usage or $ per day or $ per month or anything else?

I need to calculate how the total cost and total revenue varies with every different scenario.

Please help me in finding this out. @Matthew Gillespie

Attaching my model for your reference.Final.fsm

FlexSim HC 5.3.10
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final.fsm (343.1 KiB)
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1 Answer

zacharyh avatar image
zacharyh answered

It looks like this question may be part of a homework assignment or academic project. The professors who assign simulation modeling exercises using FlexSim expect that the academic integrity of their assignments will be maintained. In addition, we are supportive of Honor Codes (or Honor Pledges) that regulate the behavior surrounding academic assignments.

I recommend checking out our best practices page on the subject (, which includes some resources that you should find helpful as you use FlexSim for academic purposes. I also highly recommend Dr. Allen Greenwood’s FlexSim Primer (, which was written specifically for students and professors.

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