
Justin W4 avatar image
Justin W4 asked Jeanette F answered

Question with Using Pull From List in Subflow

Hello, I am new to FlexSim and I have a question about how Pull From List works when used in a subflow.

Currently, I have a process flow where at the start I create an order list that assigns labels to each item in the list. I want to run a subflow where I create an object for each item in the order by running child tokens through the subflow one at a time.

I was wondering, if I use Pull From List in the subflow to retrieve the item data and create an object for the item, is the list iterated through as each child token passes through the subflow? Or is this a logic I have to create in the subflow?

FlexSim 22.0.0
processflowlist pull from list
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
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Jeanette F answered

Hello @Justin W4

The pull from list will be executed with every token that passes through the activity. Please see my example model. In the model I have 20 items with unique type labels are pushed to a list. An order of 20 items is placed and a sub flow is run to pull the items from the list. The items are then created in the model and assigned the same type label as the item that was on the list.


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