
William Proctor avatar image
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William Proctor asked William Proctor commented

Populate Schedule Source Using Global Table

Right now I am generating a schedule in the model into a global table that I want to add to a Schedule Source (ProcessFlow). To make this work, I am exporting the schedule table to Excel and then reimporting it to FlexSim to get it into the Schedule Source. Is there a more direct way to do this?

FlexSim 21.2.4
global tablesource schedule
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered William Proctor commented

Reference the table and write to it directly - for example:

  1. treenode vars=variables(getactivity("ProcessFlow","Source"));
  2. Table schedule=vars.subnodes["arrivals"];

or if you need to copy from the global table add this line:

  1. Table("GlobalTable").cloneTo(schedule);
· 1
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