
Doris C avatar image
Doris C asked David Seo answered

Add battery charging station function to Dispatch model

I just completed the Dispatch model.
But now i have to apply a battery charging station to this model.

I couldn't find the answer I wanted here.

Is it better to apply process flow to apply agv charging station to this model? Or is there another way?


FlexSim 19.0.0
agvbattery chargeagv battery levelbattery
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1 Answer

David Seo avatar image
David Seo answered

@Doris C

Which company do you work in?

Ver 19.0.0 version has not been supported anymore. You can search your issue about AGV battery re-charge control in this forum.

And you continuously upload your question about this topic and got already many supports and answers. What's up?

Please send email to me,

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