
Steven Chen avatar image
Steven Chen asked Phil BoBo answered

Length of Empty String in Label


I found that doesn't make sense to me that empty string label length is 1.

  1. clearconsole();
  2. treenode obj = Model.find("Shape17");
  3. string a;
  4. string b = "";
  5. obj.alabel = a;
  7. print("a:" + a.length);
  8. print("b:" + b.length);
  9. print("alabel:" + obj.alabel.length);// length of empty string equal to 1 doesn't make sense in FlexScript
  10. print("a=b:" + (a == b));
  11. print("a=alabel:" + (a == obj.alabel)


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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered

When you access a label, you get a Variant back, not a string.

Variant.length is array length. For a single value, that's 1. FlexScript Class - Variant (

string.length is the number of characters in a string. To get string length, you need to cast to a string using .as(string) or assigning the value to a string variable. FlexScript Class - string (

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