
Ankur A3 avatar image
Ankur A3 asked Matthew Gillespie edited

Choosing Slots Based on Provider Schedule With Real Scenario

Hi Team,Test1.5.fsm

I am working on logic to pull 1 or 2 slots based on patient requirement (currently 80:20 ratio) from the available provider slots. Facing issues to incorporate 2 points:

1. Every slot is having 30 min duration. So, in can case 2 slots how to pull from available slot since 2nd 30 min slot will be generated when 1st 30 min slot will be completed?

2. In case of 2 slots, both slots should be consecutive slots otherwise it doesn't make sense. It should not be like 1 slots is 1:30PM to 2:00PM and another slot is 8:00AM to 8:30AM. How to avoid it?

Attaching model for reference.

Thank you!

Any help would be appreciated.

FlexSim 21.0.10
hcslot assignmentprovider schedule
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Matthew Gillespie edited

Here's one way I thought of to do this. It's basically what you had with a few changes:

1. A new "patient" token is only created if the slot isn't immediately pulled by another "patient" token. This handles the case where the slot is an EndSlot (doesn't have a consecutive slot after it) and all the pulling tokens need 2 slots.

2. The patient tokens pull from the list, but those with SlotCount equal to 2 use a query "WHERE EndSlot = 0". This way patients who need 2 slots can't pull an EndSlot as their first slot.

3. If the patient needs 2 slots the token then gets a new label "SecondSlot" and then pulls from the list a second time.

4. The Slots list now has a Back Order Queue Strategy that is "ORDER BY Puller.SecondSlot DESC". This tells the list to prioritize pullers who have the SecondSlot label. This way a patient who needs 2 slots and already got their first one gets the next slot.


test15-working.fsm (75.6 KiB)
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