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C asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Problem with model: Probably wrong queue strategy

The thing with LC10 at around 20:20 should not happen.


The process logic of BOS_ALS_PAS ends and BOS_KSK_PAS_ALS_KSK_BOS starts. LC10, the ship that has just arrived takes the trip. It should be the ship with the longest current idle time taking the first trip. In this case, it is LC11.


Luckily it happens on the first day so it is easy to spot. Proposals are greatly appreciated.

Here is the model: v5.fsm

FlexSim 19.0.0
queue strategywrong order
v5.fsm (197.4 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

When pulling an object, they will be evaluated according to their group ranking. So LC10 will be checked first and, if eligible based on the WHERE condition, will be pulled.

In order to always choose the "oldest" task executer, you could write the time it arrived at the location to a label and then order based on this label when pulling.


ASC stands for 'ascending', so the value with the lowest/earliest arrival time will get pulled. (DESC would be 'descending')

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