
Steven Chen avatar image
Steven Chen asked Phil BoBo answered

Refresh view whlie breaking in Visual Studio debugging


When using Visual Studio to debug FlexSim by attaching process, is it possible to refresh FlexSim views while code stops at breakpoint in Visual Studio?

For example function below, output console won't update until code in Visual Studio exits break mode. So the effect of each line of codes won't be visible in FlexSim.

  1. void dllfunction1(FLEXSIMINTERFACE)
  2. {
  3. print("A"); // breakpoint here
  4. print("B");
  5. }
FlexSim 22.1.1
debuggingvisual studio
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered

No. When you hit a breakpoint in Visual Studio, the program is halted on that line. FlexSim isn't running at that point. It is waiting for you to step through its code.

"Refreshing views" is executing other code. The application can't do that while you've stopped it to debug.

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