
Ankur A3 avatar image
Ankur A3 asked Jordan Johnson edited

Process Flow Utilization Statistics Using Statistics Collector?

Hi Team,

I want to create utilization for 3 machines having process flow activity reference using statistics collector. I am using enumerate object to create activity names as row value and average content as column event.


I think there is syntax issue. Can you help to know the issue?


Thank you!

FlexSim 21.0.10
statistics collectoractivitysyntaxenumerate
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Jordan Johnson edited

When using enumerate rows, the update timing of the measured value (utilization) should be set to 'When the value is accessed'. Trying to update the value when the row is created (on reset) is causing the error message.


'getactivity()' expects the name of the activity as a string as the second parameter. The row value is a treenode, so you have to add '.name' to get the activity's name.


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