
hermione12 avatar image
hermione12 asked hermione12 commented

Push and pull list error


I am trying to push items from Queue1 to list and pulling the items from the same list and sending the items to Queue2 using a transporter through process flow.

But at the load task, I am receiving an error message and the model is stopped.

What am I doing wrong in the model? Please help.


FlexSim 20.0.10
push and pull listtask error
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered hermione12 commented

You are pushing the token from the event-triggered source to the list.


So on the puller token, 'token.item' points to the token, not the item.

Change the push value to be a reference to the item instead. Or change the load task to reference the item through the pulled token (token.item.item).

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